Hope Eternal

God is at work, even in the Nesting stage of motherhood.  He has not forgotten you.  You are not stuck in a repeat cycle of snotty noses and dirty diapers for eternity.  Ok, so you’ll be here for a while, but not forever.   Keep from being an “eternity amnesiac” by keeping your focus farther down the road. Hope looks farther down the road.

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21 Days of Prayer for Your Friend with Cancer + printable

What do you do when you want (shall I say “need”) to support a friend? What if you aren’t close enough to do the do-ing things you long to do?

I wrote out 21 Bible verses that I will pray for my friend with cancer, one verse for each day she is gone at a treatment center. Want the list? I’m sharing it so you can join me. Or use it to pray for other friends.

Let’s lift up these words of promise to the One who love us best and first.

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Book Reviews: A Diary of Private Prayer and Daily Light

A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie

In this book, you will find a morning prayer and an evening prayer for every day of the month.  In other words, two prayers each day for 31 days.  There is also a special prayer for Sundays.   These prayers, rooted in scripture, were written in the first person, making them an easy prompt for your own prayers. They are a perfect way to begin and end your daily time of solitude.

Daily Light - compiled by Samuel Bagster

On each page of this book you will find a selection of only verses or phrases of verses for each morning and evening of an entire year.  The verses and phrases of verses are specifically chosen on a theme.  Sometimes, the connections are obvious, such as being on the theme of grace or resurrection.  Sometimes, the connections are more hidden and there is a bit of fun in deducing them.  I particularly enjoy this book in the evening, reading it just before going to bed, directing my final thoughts on scripture alone.

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