Posts tagged Soul Care
Soul Care From Your Child’s Bookshelf

Have you ever re-read a favorite story from your childhood and thought, “Woah, were these messages in there the whole time?”

Something happens when we read children’s stories. Our hearts are open to messages of love and fear, struggles and redemption in ways that we would never grasp in a Sunday sermon.

Yes, they are great for my children, but hold on, they are good for me too!

Through a story written for children, my heart received the tender care it needed from my loving Father. His message of unconditional love got in. It cemented itself in my heart forever. It is part of me now.

That’s the power of children’s stories as soul care.

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Book Review: The Promise is His Presence {BONUS: Video Conversation}

Author Glenna Marshall, a Christian living with chronic illness, struggled to feel satisfied when so much of her life wasn’t the way she thought it should be. Sitting on her couch with the Truth in her lap, she believed God was good, she just wasn’t sure He was good to her. What other reason could there be for her missing pieces?

She went on a quest for an answer and it led her to Jesus. Only Jesus.

The Promise is His Presence: Why God is Always Enough is her journey to finding satisfaction in God alone.

I read The Promise is His Presence earlier this year and it resonated so deeply with me that I reached out to Glenna and asked if I could interview her. She said, yes! So, this book review is even better with a BONUS video conversation.

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