Nicole O'Meara

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I Just Need Possible

After she spent an hour throwing shakas with kids, she stood before a large audience to share her story of faith and perseverance. “I don’t need easy, I just need possible,” she said. For Bethany Hamilton, world-class surfer and shark-attack survivor, those hope-filled words are empowering. They helped her learn to do everyday activities with just one arm, like changing dirty diapers for her three boys and even paddling out into big waves again.

Bethany’s words challenge me. They echo the words of Jesus: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). We have a tendency to forget to factor in God’s grace and power when we think of doing hard things or seemingly impossible things. But Scripture is full of people like Bethany, doing the impossible because our all-powerful God extended His power to them.

Recently, I experienced this kind of power. After a recent injury, I made a big list of things that were no longer possible. But one by one, with God’s grace and power, and the help of physical therapists, friends, and a truly stellar husband, I began to tackle my list of impossibilities: Climb the stairs. Check. Walk outside. Check. Drive a car. Check. My list is getting shorter and I suspect God’s will may be for it to disappear entirely. Shocking!

Doubting God’s ability has never been an issue for me. But doubting His goodness to me is a constant issue.

Why do I question His grace on my behalf?

Why do I assume impossibility where only difficulty lies?

Oh, Lord, forgive my unbelief. Make me willing to try and may Your power sustain me.

You’ll recognize the Hawaiian ‘Shaka’, the hand symbol with thumb and pinky extended. But did you know it means more than “hang loose?” It also means not to worry or rush. When we remember that God’s power makes all that He wills possible, we have no need to worry because the possible is not dependent on our strength and skill alone.

Do you quit before giving something a try? Ask yourself if it’s because you want easy or if you simply need to hear Christ’s words again—with God, all things are possible.

Originally published at Joyful Life Magazine. Sign up for their Free Daily Devotionals here.

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